Erotic stories of Richard KB

Profile page of Richard KB. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Richard KB wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 6.8K times

Incest | 2
2021-10-21 19:25:31
2021-06-02 21:42:35
My Mother Miriam updateI started a sexual relationship with my mother Miriam and have continued to regularly fuck her since. She sleeps with me every night except when my Daughter Casey is visiting, Miriam met and made friends with Anna 28 a shy girl who works at the local supermarket. Miriam thought Anna would be a perfect match for me and wanted us to get together, but Anna is so shy and being and only child and both parents now deceased, doesn't date or mix with other people other than at her work. Miriam is also a...reading time 2 mingenre
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My Mother MiriamMy mother Miriam 56 widow, has always been a quiet shy person by nature and with the passing of my father Donald 68 early last year. I had her move in with me, I'm Richard 32 divorced 1 child Casey 4 who lives with her mother Patricia. Miriam a slender 5 foot 4 inches and good looking for her age. I'm the youngest of 2 and my sister lives in another state with her family. Nothing happened for the first few months, Miriam kept house for me and I worked from home a lot due to pandemic lockdowns. I...reading time 2 mingenre
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